Notice: Office Closure for the Holidays


Please be advised that the psychology practice will be closed from December 23, 2024, to January 5, 2025.


If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact me at info@tanjamitrovic.nl.


In case of a crisis during this period, please reach out to your GP (huisarts) or the local Huisartsenpost. For those in The Hague, you can contact Huisartsenpost The Hague at (070) 346 96 69.


Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Warm regards,

Tanja Mitrovic



The waiting time for intake and treatment in our practice is approximately 8-10 weeks for clients with Dutch insurance coverage.

  In 2025, our practice will only maintain contracts with the following insurers:            


        OWM CZ groep U.A.; CZ Zorgverzekeringen N.V.; Centrale Zorgverzekeringen              NZV N.V.; OHRA Zorgverzekeringen N.V. 

        OWM Zorgverzekeraar Zorg en Zekerheid.

        DSW Zorgverzekeraar, Stad Holland  Zorgverzekeraar.

        A.S. R Zorgverzekeraar.

For non-contracted care, 60-80% of the NZa rate may be reimbursed by your   insurance provider. Please contact your insurer directly for detailed information.

         However, individuals interested in Gestalt therapy or self-paying, holding International  health insurance are welcome to reach out via email: info@tanjamitrovic.nl to explore available options.

Kind regards, Tanja Mitrovic


Psychotherapy and counseling in The Hague

“The biggest struggle in life is the struggle to know, embrace, and accept ourselves, with all of our faults and imperfections. Many of us were raised by parents who were themselves victims - who were not taught to see their own worth, or who were not really seen by their own parents.” – Psychology today, by Melanie Greenberg, PhD.

Feelings of lack are never-ending. Every time a goal is reached or you possess the next big thing, you cannot even find a satisfaction in it, before moving on a next one.

You often struggle with depression, anxiety, loneliness, frustration, anger and have an inner sadness that is difficult to explain.

Recognized yourself by now?

Many of my clients, friends and family members would say “yeah, that for sure, IS me”.

In my beloved job I get to see people from all around the globe coming to say that they resent and even hate themselves, that they always feel guilty of not being enough, that the life of them, which they have built with so much effort and tendencies to please themselves and their significant others, is meaningless and pointless.

Doctors would refer them to me, to teach them the techniques of overcoming depression or anxiety, or anger, which I certainly do.

What makes me personally happy, is to bring just one single word, in front of the eyes of every single person who cross my path as a therapist.


Do you really honestly woke up in the morning daring to look at yourself and people around you and give yourself and others a break in demands and expectation and just feel love?

That pure, simple and very efficient medicine for all the psychological and many physical disorders.

Do you do your job, walk your dogs, talk your talks, follow your dreams and treat people who you might not even know with love?

If your answer on this question is YES, than off you go to live your happy and fulfilling life.

If your answer is NO and you have read about it, and google it, and tried to apply it…but you still feel that even if the love is your essence, somehow you still feel alone, and unhappy, and depressed, and self/ or others hateful, your relationships are failing or luck intimacy, please contact me.

I might be able to help you understand how beautiful you are and you are meant to be when you are created. And how much you do deserve to love and be loved from yourself and others. And how much important it is to live your life with us much joy as you can.

Or I might be not, but at least we could try to meet as imperfect we both are, and have some fun. And yes I will definitely teach you some techniques to overcome your anxiety, anger, depression or relationship issues.

And just for the sake of knowing: I’m a proper Health psychologist (BIG and NIP registered), and Gestalt therapist (with European certificate for Psychotherapy), with more than 20 years of education behind me, still going to school occasionally, reading a lot, having a collection of diploma’s, certificate’s, contracts with the insurances, years of experiences and the rest what everyone would expect from nowadays perfect therapist.

I’m also a good and hardworking girl, my parents thought me well to behave, I respect ethical codes of psychologist and psychotherapist and I’m also just learning to love and accept myself and the world around me with all my heart.

And yes I have been anxious, depressed, frustrated and angry myself, just like anyone else. But I’m doing much better these days. And I’m doing it with all my heart.

Please feel free to contact me  if you have further questions or would like to arrange an appointment.

Thank you for visiting my website.

With love,

Tanja Mitrovic


Address: Sweelinckplein 9-11, office 25, The Hague 2517GK, The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 (0)70 362 37 79

Mobitel:+31(0)61 523 46 48

email: info@tanjamitrovic.nl

Hours of operation/Openingstijd praktijk:
Monday 09-17.30h
Tuesday 11-21h
          Thursday 09-17.30h           Friday 09-17.30h

Availability per telephone: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 17.00-17.30 hour.

For Kwaliteitsstatuut GGZ please see the page : Nederlands.

Free parking until 13 hours.

Therapy is possible in Serbo-Croatian-Bosnian, English and Dutch.

In case of a crisis, please contact your general practitioner (huisarts) or emergency services, who can connect you to the crisis center.


Contact me

Your comment


If you have complaints about the practice or the psychologist, please try to discuss it with your psychologist, during the session. If the complaints can not be resolved, you can always file the official complain to  NIP-klachtenregeling: het Centraal Bureau Klachtenmanagement in de Zorg (CBKZ)


Praktijk is  de lid van het samenwerkingsverband Psyzorg Hoflanden van vrijgevestigde BIG-geregistreerde GZ-psychologen, psychotherapeuten en klinisch (neuro) psychologen, werkzaam in de generalistische basis GGZ binnen de regio’s Haaglanden, Delfland, Westland, Oostland en Nieuwe Waterweg Noord.


If interested in psychotherapy please see my newest posts on the facebook page

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